The purpose of the East Technical High School Scarab Hall of Fame Award is to honor and recognize those alumni who have distinguished themselves through their accomplishments and services, supported, played a key role in giving back to their alma mater, have brought great representation of East Technical High School and Community.
2006 Inductees:
Eleanor Bailey-Avery '53
Walter Clark '64
ETAA Founders '60
Robert P. Madison '40
Isaac “Ike” Smith '58
2008 Inductees:
Bernard Moon '73
Joseph D. Smith '47
Greta Stakely-Humphrey 73’
Stanley Tolliver 41’
2013 Inductees:
Phyllis Cleveland 75’
Priscilla Mobley Gray 77’
Dr. E. Louis Overstreet 60’
Brenda M. Pope 73’
2015 Inductees:
Aki Bradley 90
Delores Gray 73’
Dr. Elaine Richardson 78’
2016 Inductees:
Leroy Carter 88’
LaMoyne Porter 59’
Vincent Walls 78’
2017 Inductee: Wanda Ford 82’
2018 Inductees:
William Allen 58’
Helen Bradley 88’
Charles Earl Bremer 60’
Robert “Boomer” Brown 60’
Roy Tyrone James 88’
Virgil Walker 73’
Honorary Hall of Fame
Jessie Owens 32’
Harrison Dillard 41’
Complete the Scarab Hall of Fame Nomination Form below or use the file link to print and submit the form.
2022 Scarab Hall of Fame Nomination Form